"Jhingedaau" is a 2022 Nepali romantic comedy-drama directed by Gyanendra Bahadur Deuja, based on Bhimnidhi Tiwari's story. The film portrays two sisters-in-law whose friendly rivalry during the traditional dice game "Jhinge Dau" leads to family discord, highlighting the unforeseen consequences of seemingly harmless actions. The film stars Keki Adhikari, Mukun Bhusal, and Aanchal Sharma. "Jhingedaau" received positive reviews for its blend of humor and social commentary, and won the Best Feature Film Award at the 2nd edition of the Nepal Rural Film Festival (NERUFF).
Genre: Comédie, Drame, Romance
Jeter: Keki Adhikari, Mukun Bhusal, Aanchal Sharma, Kushal Bista, Hiubala Gautam, Sangam Bhandari, Aayan Khadka, Abhaya Raj Baral, Vijay Deuja
Équipage: Gyanendra Bahadur Deuja (Director), Bhim Nidhi Tiwari (Story), Pradeep Bhardwaj (Screenplay), Sushil Dahal (Producer), Samikshya Deuja (Producer)
Jhingedaau 2022
Film Crew Nepal
Kapangadhi Cinema Pvt. Ltd.
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