Subtle Fragrance Of Her Private Part

So yeah, you`ve seen sex-crazed photo models, gorgeous celebs, high class hookers exhibit to the max their valuable physical assets. The vision of glamorous sexy faces, breast cleavage, more than perfect butts and legs is offered for free all the time. Something else come with the show. It`s the very distinct and subtle fragrance exuding from their private parts through their chic designer lingerie and fashionable clothing. Nothing like the distinctive sexual scent of a well groomed woman crotch can turn any male into an animal ready to have his cake...and eat it too. And, of course, orally simulating these female genitals with a perfect cunnilingus- whatever you name it; is the first serving to all variations of great sex. Isn`t it what these sophisticated sluts are looking for anyway.

Pays: United States of America

Durée: 115 minutes

Qualité: HD

Libération: 2012

imdb rating 7


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