White Fang
Adventure awaits in the story of White Fang, a peaceful courageous wolf who overcomes all odds in this animated tale for children based on Jack London's original classic. A young wolf pup and his mother are forced to join a Native American tribe to survive after their pack leader perishes. He is reluctantly traded to a greedy businessman in compensation for a grievance and entrained in a corrupt dog fighting ring. Rescued by a compassionate young man, White Fang begins a lifelong bond, finds puppy love and room for more adventures...
Genre: Animation, Drame, Familial
Jeter: Lexine Bondoc, Danny Gerard, Rusty Hammond, Sher Alexi Komisar, David B. Levy, Jason McDonald, Michael Mulheren, David Schon, Heidi Stallings, Serena Vito, Larry White
Équipage: Joe Cayre (Executive Producer), Ed Ashkinazi (Editor), Aura Sujaritchan (Associate Producer), Ric Zivic (Music), Ken Cayre (Executive Producer)
White Fang 1997
Bert Stratford Productions.
Michael Sporn Animation
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