Hiroshi Shimazaki, a 35-year-old part-timer living aimlessly in Tokyo after chasing his dreams, suddenly finds his life transformed when he receives the "Gemios Gear," a futuristic device that lets him create and control a real-world avatar. Choosing a handsome man as his avatar, Shimazaki enjoys his altered reality until a global crisis pulls him into an unexpected battle. To confront the danger, he undergoes a two-stage transformation—from his attractive avatar to a full-fledged hero—taking on the challenge of saving the world.
Genre: Action, Science-Fiction
Jeter: Toshiki Tani, Takeshi Shimizu, Yukimura Misuzu, 長谷川芳明, Tajima Yurika, Kouki Taguchi, Kurumi Enomoto, Ichizō
Équipage: Akihiro Tanabe (Director), Akihiro Tanabe (Screenplay), Akihiro Tanabe (Producer), Akihiro Tanabe (Director of Photography), Akihiro Tanabe (Editor)
四畳半のジェメオス 2024
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