Set in Kyokuhoku Citizen Hospital in Hokkaido, Japan. "Kyokuhoku Rhapsody" follows the life of a young doctor for a one year period. Yoshio Imanaka works at the Kyokuhoku Hospital that is losing staff members and facing bankruptcy. During this difficult time, Yoshio Imanaka meets hairdresser Kozue Namiki and falls in love.
Jeter: 永山瑛太, 加藤あい, Yuichiro Yamaguchi, 徳井優, Keiko Matsuzaka, りりィ, 高橋昌也, 小林薫
Équipage: 吉俣良 (Original Music Composer), Takeru Kaidô (Original Story), Yuko Miyamura (Screenplay), 西谷真一 (Director)
極北ラプソディ 2013
NHK Enterprises
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