The story centers on Yoshio, a poor and struggling manga artist who lives in Kitamachi. He is sent by Oyaji, the landlord of his apartment who is also engaged in other shady businesses, to help a novelist called Imori move in, and meets a recently-divorced woman named Fukuko. Yoshio is immediately bewitched by her beauty, even though she is already seeing someone else. In the meantime, Imori establishes an advertising agency, borrowing the name of a larger agency from the wealthier Minamicho, in order to sell his novel. Yoshio ends up helping with Imori's efforts, and somehow Imori and Fukuko come to live together with Yoshio.
Genre: Drame
Jeter: 成田凌, 中村映里子, 森田剛, Naoto Takenaka, 足立智充, Yuki Nakanishi, Yuya Matsuura, Makoto Tsuchi, Kaori Momo, 伊島空, Xing Li
Équipage: つげ義春 (Original Story), 片山慎三 (Director), Fumiko Tsutsui (Producer), Satoshi Eida (Executive Producer), 厨子健介 (Producer)
雨の中の慾情 2024
love story
Culture Publishers
Sedic International
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