


When newly graduated stockbroker Adam discovers his father has died, he leaves his stressful life to return to his roots, taking on his father's role as the leader of a biker gang. At the same time, Adam's brother Jakob has left this messy family and taken a job with the police anti-drug department. This Danish thriller sees the two brothers ending up on a collision course with each other as they choose opposite paths in life.

Genre: Crime, Drame

Jeter: Andreas Jessen, Sebastian Jessen, Lars Mikkelsen, Fanny Louise Bernth, Besir Zeciri, Ari Alexander, Jonathan Harboe

Première date de diffusion: Aug 16, 2020

Dernière date d'air: Sep 28, 2020

Pays: DK

Durée: 41 minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 6


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