


Teresa Betancourt and Joaquín Acevedo will experience the worst tragedy of their lives: the kidnapping of their son Mateo. From that moment, the intentions of their entire family group will be revealed. Because in the game of a sinister mind... anyone can be the culprit.

Genre: Soap, Mystère, Crime, Drame

Jeter: Benjamín Vicuña, Paz Bascuñan, Francisco Pérez-Bannen, Patricia Rivadeneira, Andrés Velasco, Ingrid Cruz, Gonzalo Valenzuela

Première date de diffusion: Mar 15, 2021

Dernière date d'air: Nov 23, 2021

Pays: CL

Durée: 30 minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 7.7


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