

Cuba Libre

Cuba Libre tells the story of Annie Silva Pais, the daughter of the last PIDE director, Silva Pais. At the age of 30, Annie Silva Pais left her husband, family and country and left for Cuba, becoming involved in the Cuban revolution. In addition to other events, there is also a romance with Che Guevara.


Jeter: José Guedes, Álvaro Aragonez, Sofia Grillo, Heitor Lourenço, Rui Neto, Adriano Luz, Beatriz Godinho, Margarida Marinho

Première date de diffusion: Sep 21, 2022

Dernière date d'air: Oct 26, 2022

Pays: PT

Durée: 50 minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 4.5


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