


The story centers around the three ladies, the career elite Lei Li, the full-time wife Ren Duo Mei, and the socially adorable Shen Jia Nan are facing dilemma in the workplace and life. They are of different ages and personalities, and has no overlapping experiences, but became close friends who knew each other, fight each other and loved each other. Together, they face optimistically amidst the thorns along the way, witnessing each other growth, and join hands to embark on a new journey to find happiness.

Genre: Drame

Jeter: Qin Hailu, Jin Shijia, Bai Bing, Tian Xiwei, Jeffrey Dong, Dai Xiangyu, Zhou Hui, Guo Xiaoting, Liu Zi, Yin Xiaotian, Qian Yongchen

Première date de diffusion: Sep 05, 2022

Dernière date d'air: Sep 27, 2022

Pays: CN

Durée: 45 minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 7.5


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