


The Qiaotou youth LI Wen-hsin was arrested during the December 10, 1979, demonstration spearheaded by Formosa Magazine. After being thrown into prison, he learned a way to survive: mixing saltwater with white rice. He also recalled wonderful times with his girlfriend A-chun, the joys and suffering he shared with friends and family, and his longing for democracy. In this prison, referred to by inmates as the “Hotel Saltwater,” Wen-hsin and his companions, though suffering greatly, never let their thirst for freedom be extinguished.

Genre: Drame

Jeter: Yao-Jen Chang, Huang Di Yang, Ellen Wu, Tsai Chang-Hsien, Aaron Hong, Fang Wen-Lin, Ming-Yo Hsieh

Première date de diffusion: Mar 03, 2024

Dernière date d'air: Apr 07, 2024

Pays: TW

Durée: minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 7


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