

The Qin Empire is a 2009 Chinese television series based on Sun Haohui's novel of the same Chinese title. The 51 episodes long series chronicles the rise of the Qin state in the Warring States period during the reign of Duke Xiao of Qin. It was produced in 2006 and first aired on television channels in China in December 2009.

Genre: Drame, War & Politics

Jeter: Ning Jing, Zhang Bo, Fu Miao, He Lanpeng, Ning Lu, Yuan Yu, Wang Zitong, Xing Jiadong, Shen Jiani, Chunyang Zhao, Wu Liansheng

Première date de diffusion: Dec 18, 2009

Dernière date d'air: Mar 14, 2017

Pays: CN

Durée: 45 minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 8.4


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