
Świat według Kiepskich

Follow the life of a dysfunctional Polish family from Wrocław, who live in an old apartment in Wrocław on 3/4 Ćwiartki street. The show is centered on Ferdynand Kiepski, who tries to make various schemes to improve his financial or life situation, all of which ultimately fail.

Genre: Comédie

Jeter: Marzena Kipiel-Sztuka, Ryszard Kotys, Andrzej Grabowski, Barbara Mularczyk, Dariusz Gnatowski, Renata Pałys

Première date de diffusion: Sep 04, 1999

Dernière date d'air: Nov 16, 2022

Pays: PL

Durée: 22 minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 6.9


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