

Como tú, ninguna

Como Tu, Ninguna is a Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by and seen on Venevisión. This telenovela lasted 281 episodes and was distributed internationally by Venevisión International. It was the first telenovela having Gabriela Spanic as the female lead and by casualty of life, she played a double role nearly the end of the story almost exactly as she would make it in La Usurpadora.

Genre: Drame, Soap

Jeter: Gabriela Spanic, Miguel de León, Elluz Peraza, Henry Galué, Bárbara Teyde

Première date de diffusion: Dec 07, 1994

Dernière date d'air: Nov 07, 1995

Pays: VE

Durée: 60 minutes

Qualité: HD

imdb rating 0


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